Friday, June 3, 2011

GameDesign Reflection

I believe we did a great job on our game design for "Abduction". What we did that most other groups didn't was to show actual video clips of other games that would give our audience a good representation and understanding of our game design better. I thought our weak point in explaining the game was talking about the controls. We did not get very specific with what each button would do or how exactly the characters would move. So overall, the presentation I thought, was well thought out had many visuals and helped the audience grasp our design concept and actually convince them that this would be an amazing game to play.

I think when talking about game design, goals, are the easiest to explain because they tell the gamer what needs accomplished. The goal is your main objective and the ultimate ending to the game. Sometimes there can ever be sub-goals but for the main part they are the easiest to give to the gamer. Mechanics for games, on the other hand, are often quite difficult to explain. Often time with different game consoles there are a combination of buttons that much be pressed in order to make the character on screen move. Then it is also hard to explain the mechanics of a game because they differ from console to console.

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